Day Trips



No matter what you desire – nature, culture, history, architecture or other – you will find all you desire within an hour drive from Villa Belle Rive. Most locations can also be reached by public transport. You could look into old crafts, such as pottery in Vallauris. Demonstrations of glass blowing and amazing pieces of glass are found in Biot. To inform yourself on the art of making perfume, you will find the city of Grasse only 20 kilometres from Villa Belle Rive.

If you prefer architecture, you should not miss a visit to Villa Ephrussi de Rotchild, or as a matter of fact, another Rotchild Villa only a 15 minute walk from Belle Rive. The old city of Cannes, Antibbes and Nice offer an ensemble of fantastic old buildings, including castles. And then there are the old villages of Saint Paul de Vence, Gourdon and Auribeau.

Also for Art, you are at the right location. The well-known Picasso Museum is housed in the Château Grimaldi that was built upon the foundations of the ancient Greek town of Antipolis. The Henri Matisse Museum is found in Nice. You should definitely not miss out on the Fondation Maeght in Vence if your interest is Art.

The Gorge du Loup (wolves canyon) is one of the nicest nature parks in the area, but certainly not the only one worth a visit. For caves you might enjoy the “Grotte de Saint-Cézaire” or “Cave Baume Obscure”. For hikers it is good to know that Cannes borders on the Esterel. This big area with its typical “red” hills offers great hiking opportunities. The Lerins off the coast of Cannes are reserves and have (next to their monasteries and a museum where you can learn about “the man with the iron mask) a very rich ecosystem and fantastic sights. Although these are some of the more known sites, it is definitely worth your while to just drive and see where the road takes you.